Greetings, internet explorer. I’m Neha Hirve.
I used to be a visual storyteller and sometimes-indie-poster-maker.
But then 2020 broke stuff.


Can I have a lock of your hair?

So I studied web development at Hyper Island in Stockholm. Luckily I love to code.
Now I make full-stack stuff for Klarna.

Not an Error!

Here's a link to ALL OF THE STUFF 0_0

I’m interested in how the internet can emulate IRL experiences, design-driven development, web animation, and games. I also chase tornadoes, have lived in 5 countries and a treehouse, and enjoy watching this man restore retro game consoles on YouTube.

Anyway, please hire me (or just be my friend)!

I don’t bite unless it’s the full moon.

Now here’s some Tetris so you never have to leave!